District Financial Information
The Summerland Sanitary District’s budget is compiled to represent a complete fiscal year, starting on July 1st and ending on June 30th of the next calendar year. The budget consists of three major categories: revenues, operation and maintenance expenditures, and capital expenditures. The District also has a reserve fund in which monies are kept for emergency needs or to cover basic operating needs should unanticipated increases in expenses occur.
Staff prepares the budget, and with input from the Finance Committee, presents it to the Board of Directors during an open public board meeting for review. Under review, the Board of Directors recommends changes if necessary. Once the reviewing process is complete and changes made if needed, the Board of Directors votes to approve the budget and staff enables the new budget upon the beginning of the fiscal year.
Each category is itemized into separate sub-categories so staff can more easily keep track of revenues and expenses, and make changes to future budgets if necessary to reflect needs and priorities. The sub-categories within the Operations and Maintenance budget consist of salaries and employee benefits, and services and supplies. Services and supplies are the District’s projected expenses to run the treatment facility and collection department on a daily basis. Capital expense funds are projected District’s expenses to maintain, upgrade or repair infrastructure or special projects.
Summerland Sanitary District Adopted Budget FY2024-25
Summerland Sanitary District Adopted Budget FY2023-24
Summerland Sanitary District Adopted Budget FY2022-23
In the year 2017, the Board of Directors adopted a Capital Reserve Policy to ensure the allocation of monies to operations, capital expenditures & emergency funding.
Financial Audits
Annually, the District engages an independent firm to prepare and audit the financial statements of the agency in accordance with Federal Government Auditing Standards.
Financial Statements FY 2023-24
Letter of Required Communication BP&W, LLP 2024
Financial Statements FY 2022-23
Financial Statements FY 2021-22
Financial Statements FY2020-21
Financial Statements FY2019-20
Special District Financial Transaction Report
Summerland Sanitary District files a financial transaction report annually with the State Controller. To find the District’s most recent Financial Transaction Report you can go to the ByTheNumbers website and search for the latest report. To generate a report that includes compensation disclosure (Government Code Section 53891) you can go to the Controller’s PublicPay website. The compensation information can also be found on the Transparent California Website under Summerland Sanitary District or you can search by name.
Certificate of Excellence
The Summerland Sanitary District received the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence Renewal in November 2023 by the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) in recognition of its outstanding efforts to promote transparency and good governance.
Links to Organizations
- California Water Environmental Association: www.cwea.org
- Water Environmental Federation: www.wef.org
- California Special District Association: www.csda.net
Regulatory Agencies
- California Regional Water Quality Control Board: www.waterboards.ca.gov/centralcoast
- US Environmental Protection Agency: www.epa.gov/region09
- Local Agency Formation Commission: www.sblafco.org
- County of Santa Barbara : www.countyofsb.org