Invitation to the Public to attend SSD's Town Hall/Public Outreach Meeting, Thursday March 6, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
Summerland Sanitary District (SSD) proposes adopting a new rate structure for the upcoming five years, starting July 1, 2025. The proposed rates include increases to the single-family residential service charge.
The SSD Board of Directors analyzed the service cost through an independent rate study. This study adjusted the user classification and rate calculation method to ensure equitable and appropriate sewer fees.
The proposed sewer service charges are based on current and foreseeable financial needs for debt service, operational and capital expenditures.
You are invited to a presentation of the Draft Rate Study at the Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, March 6th at 5:00 p.m. at 2400 Lillie Avenue (Church Meeting Hall). There will be an opportunity to ask questions, address your concerns, and learn more about the District.
Click here: for the Sewer Cost of Service Study that was accepted by the Board during the February 13, 2025 regular board meeting.

Click on the image above to watch the District’s Intro Video
Welcome to the Summerland Sanitary District
Summerland Sanitary District is an independent special district which provides wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services to the residents within the Summerland District boundaries.
To provide a community service committed to protecting public health and safety; Summerland Sanitary District is committed to preserving the natural environment through the responsible collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater in the most cost-effective way possible.